You own your mental health

Mental Health

Mental health is an important part of life because it impacts everything else: our physical health, our relationships with others and ourselves, and even what we do for work. Getting your mental health in order is like a game of Jenga—the more pieces you remove from the tower, the less stable it becomes until one day it topples over—and there are many ways to do this successfully!



Let go of the things you can’t control.

If you find yourself dwelling on things that are out of your control, it’s time to do some soul-searching. We all have things that we wish were different and situations we feel could be better. But focusing on those things will only bring you down and make your anxiety worse. You can’t change other people’s actions or how they feel about something—the best thing to do is let go of what you can’t control and focus on the things in life that matter most to you instead.


If someone else’s actions affect your mood, attitude, or goal setting:


• Don’t waste energy thinking about it; move on with life!

• Let them live their own lives as they please; don’t compare yourself with them!

• Try not think about bad things when there are so many good ones out there waiting for us!



You’re allowed to feel whatever you’re feeling.


If you are feeling sad, angry, frustrated or any other emotion that doesn’t feel good—it’s ok to be human. These feelings are part of being human and they will pass.


What is not ok though is judging yourself for feeling this way. If you’re having a bad day, it doesn’t mean that there is something wrong with you or that there’s something wrong with the world around you—it just means it was an emotionally challenging day.


It’s also not ok to try and hide your feelings from others because then no one will know how to help if/when they do see their loved one struggling with their mental health issues later on down the road (which happens often).



Practice self-care every day.


Self-care is important for your mental health. It can be anything from taking a walk, to reading a book, to doing something you love. Self-care doesn’t have to be expensive or elaborate—you can do it in your own home and on the fly.


It’s not selfish to practice self-care; it’s necessary! If you don’t take care of yourself first, then who will?


Self-care can also help you feel better about yourself as well as any other parts of your life that are causing you stress or frustration.
Focus on what you have instead of on what’s missing.


It’s easy to focus on what you don’t have, but that can make you feel worse. Instead, try focusing on the things that are good in your life.
Focus on what you have instead of on what’s missing. It’s important to be grateful for the things you have in your life and to remind yourself that there are other people who would love to be where you are right now.



Find new ways to distract yourself in the moment.


Distraction is often used as a coping mechanism when you’re feeling anxious or stressed. For example, if you’re worried about an upcoming test and can’t stop thinking about it, distracting yourself with something else (playing video games, watching TV) may help you stay focused on the task at hand.


When it comes to mental health, distraction is helpful for many reasons:


• It allows us to take our mind off of whatever is bothering us so that we can think clearly about what we need to do next or how we’re going to get through our situation.


• It helps us avoid dwelling on negative thoughts and feelings by giving our brain something else to focus on instead (like doing chores around the house).



Think of your body as a friend, not an enemy.


When you treat your body as an enemy, you are strengthening your negative thoughts and feelings. Instead, think of your body as a friend. Your mind and body are interconnected and cannot be separated. You do not have to like everything about how you feel or how you look in order to accept it—you just need to accept that it is what it is at this moment in time.


Since depression often involves the belief that what we perceive about ourselves isn’t the way things really are (e.g., “I’m ugly”), treating our bodies as friends rather than enemies helps us stop reinforcing those inaccurate beliefs and live more realistically with ourselves and others around us in everyday situations where we may feel trapped or threatened by our own bodies!


If you’re just starting to realize that your life could be better if you were healthier, don’t beat yourself up about it. Acknowledging how hard getting healthy is going to be is important, but also keep it simple by starting with small things that are easy to do and have a good chance at making a positive impact right away. For example: drinking more water or taking a walk outside every day.



Start small and build from there!


The first step in taking care of yourself is to be kind and compassionate. When we make mistakes, or don’t meet our goals right away, it’s important not to be too hard on ourselves. We can’t expect perfection all the time! Learn from your mistakes and try again.
Don’t be shy about asking for help and support.


You can’t do it alone. The world is a big place and you’re going to need some help, even if you don’t always feel like it. It’s important that you let people know what’s going on with you and ask for support in any way possible, whether it’s through family or friends or professional resources. You should also keep an open mind about finding new ways of coping and making sure everyone understands how they can help, especially when things are really difficult.


Don’t be shy about seeking out resources—there are many people who specialize in helping people with mental health problems, including family doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists and therapists (for example).



Give yourself permission to make mistakes and fail without fear of judgement or bullying.


You are not alone.


The world is full of people who have mental health issues, and it’s important to give yourself permission to be human. This can be difficult when you’re faced with a judgmental society that often sees your differences as weaknesses rather than strengths. The good news is that there are millions of other people who have gone through what you’re going through right now, and they’ve lived through it just fine! Your journey may look different from someone else’s, but it doesn’t mean yours isn’t worth taking or won’t lead somewhere amazing.


It’s also important to give others the benefit of the doubt. People are just trying their best—sometimes things go wrong because it wasn’t meant to be, or maybe they’re having a bad day and don’t mean anything by it. The most important thing is that you continue your journey with kindness in your heart!


Get Started Now.


So, let’s get started. Remember: there’s no one way to do this. We’re all humans with different needs, and while some of us might be able to get back on track super quickly with a few simple changes, others will need more time and care before they can feel better. The important thing is that you take action—and remember that sometimes that means doing nothing at all but taking some deep breaths or calling a friend (or two!) for support.