performance management coaching

What is Performance Management Coaching?

Performance management coaching is an ongoing process that helps employees identify areas in which they need to improve and set goals for themselves. The coach works with the employee to help them understand what they need to do to improve their performance and provides feedback and support along the way.


If you are a manager who wants to improve your team’s performance, or if you are an employee who wants to improve your own performance, you may want to consider seeking out performance management coaching. This type of coaching can be beneficial for both employees and employers.


How Can Performance Management Coaching Help?

  • For employees, it can help them identify areas of improvement and set goals for themselves.


  • For employees, coaching helps identify knowledge and skills gaps to address.


  • For employees, it is an opportunity to plan their career progression.
  • For employers, it can help improve employee productivity and performance, which can lead to better business outcomes.


  • For employers, the coaching helps develop management skills.


  • For employers, the coaching embeds best practices and aligns the workforce to its corporate aims.

How Does it Work?

Your first coaching session will help you understand what you need to do to improve your performance.


An initial session identifies what needs to be achieved from the coaching.  A plan is designed for you and we agree together what the best approach will help you achieve the outcomes that are agreed.


We undertake the plan through a series of session that provide feedback and support along the way.


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