Children affected by sleep walking

Approximately 14% of school-age children between the ages of five and twelve experience somnambulism, commonly known as sleepwalking, at least once. About one-fourth of the kids with this sleep condition experience episodes more often. Boys are more likely than girls to sleepwalk. By adolescence, most kids who sleepwalk overcome the signs of this sleep disorder as their neural systems mature.


This sleep condition in children is considered to be brought on by an immature sleep/wake cycle in the brain. Normally, the entire brain awakens simultaneously. The brain does not awaken simultaneously in a sleepwalker, though. The part of the brain that controls movement awakens, whereas the part that controls intellect and consciousness sleeps. Actually, the kid is sleeping soundly.


With this sleep condition, the body is awake while the brain is only half asleep. The sleepwalker frequently gets out of bed and wanders the room. They occasionally dress up or leave the house. The sleepwalker’s countenance is expressionless even if their eyes are open and they are aware of what they are doing. When their name is mentioned or spoken to, they remain silent. The motions of a sleepwalker can seem awkward. They frequently trip over furniture or trip over objects as they go about. Typically, an episode of sleepwalking occurs one to two hours after a youngster goes to bed. Although the majority of these episodes are fifteen minutes or less long, others can go on for an hour or longer.


The majority of the time, children outgrow this sleep issue, therefore therapy is typically not required. Most of the time, all that is required is for the parent to gently lead the youngster back to bed. The youngster doesn’t need to be awakened.


The percentage of people who sleepwalk as adults is only approximately 1%. Not all adults who suffer from this sleep issue did so as children. Adults may experience episodes of sleepwalking due to stress, anxiety, fragmented sleep, sleep deprivation, or certain medical problems including epilepsy.


The degree of risk an adult with this sleep problem faces during an episode will frequently determine how they are treated. For instance, a sleepwalker who unlocks doors and enters a crowded city street risks harm. Most likely, a sleepwalker who gets up, enters the living room, and settles down on a chair is not in danger. Behavioural therapy, self-hypnosis, and prescription drugs are all possible forms of treatment.


Having a safe space is essential for sleepwalkers of all ages to ensure that they don’t damage themselves while having an episode. Some risks can be removed by taking precautions. Parents should ensure sure there are no sharp or breakable items in the child’s bedroom. Locking doors at night will prevent a sleepwalker from leaving the house. It may be required to instal bells on doors to wake up parents who are sound asleep and let them know their child is sleepwalking. Heavy drapery should be used to cover large glass windows and doors to reduce the possibility of a sleepwalker entering the room via them while they are closed.


During an episode, a kid who suffers from somnambulism has to be safeguarded and kept secure. More so than the sleep issue itself, the risk lies in the surroundings.